Friday, 15 April 2016


  I've come across several instances which brought to my notice of the ill ways in which humans treat each other, I mean, come on ! We are seemingly 'The most wisest and brainy animals' on planet earth ! Surely enough, God hasn't permitted this amount of intelligence to any other creature, and I'm sure that God had planned this system for betterment, but hey, all this while we've used our provisions on something as despicable as gossiping, verbal and physical abuse, riots and all sorts of contemptible acts, which disgrace us as 'humans'.
  What is it that actually dehumanized us, even when we are blessed with everything we have today ? Was it for such spiteful purposes that we had been rewarded with brains, that ironically also have the ability to bring out the good in the world ? Quite remarkably, even some animals out there in the wild seem generous to me, not just because they exhibit some values we lack, but also because they treat their own species with utmost love and care, even when they haven't been privileged with the intelligence that we seem to flaunt about !
  As rightful 'humans', we ought to respect each other, consider each other's opinions, treat everyone as respectable individuals and develop a sense of belonging to one kind. After all, we are all humans, a species like none other, a species whose ultimate task is to ensure the enhancement of conditions on our planet, a species who has the power to bring along 'Hope' for mother nature...

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