Monday, 28 March 2016

 ~ PEACE ~

  Peace is one such state of mind, which is desired by each and every individual, with some exceptional cases, of course! Peace happens to be the most beautiful attribute one could possess, and only a handful of people actually do make their way to peace, these people are the fortunate ones, who, considerably, give the most calm reactions in the most soul-stirring situations.
  All of us quite forget that peace was once a part of us when we all were newborns. But slowly and steadily, with the society playing a role in the framework, this little newborn was seemingly introduced to the greatest 'anti-peace' elements, like religion, gender, caste, race, economy etc. These elements perform a process which builds up an egoistic approach towards one's identity, an approach of being separate from mother nature and our fellow being, an approach that asks us to build our very own empire, an approach that tends to diversify ourselves from simplicity.
  In a world with such an extensive population, with people with all sorts of different theories, woefully, we find ourselves distanced from peace.The civil wars, crimes, bloodshed and all such other dehumanizing issues that we come across in our lives provide us with clear evidence that the world which we live in today, lacks a once-precious-possession, namely, peace.
  It's high-time that we get ourselves back to such an outlook, where there would be humanity, unity, equality, and all such pillars which would support today's pressing demand - Peace.

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