Wednesday, 21 October 2015


  When we make an appearance and present ourselves to the world, in return, we are compelled to face the world's reactions, whether good or bad, they do come up, as, it isn't that the whole world has the same point of view, and, signs of eagerness for expressing them are undoubtedly seen.
  There are people who have the ability to focus only on our good turns and shed light on them, but such souls seem to be rare in this all-proven, competitive world. Whereas, on the other hand, there are individuals who rather seem to be interested in our faults and flaws, without really even going through our remarkable attributes, and in case they do notice any of these praise-worthy attributes, they prefer to just bar them out and hesitate to appreciate those. Yes, we come across such people many-a-times, and we must admit, that somewhere or the other, in our hearts, the comments passed on to us by such "gentlemen and gentlewomen" have, in fact, cast on us a considerably powerful spell, a spell so powerful, that it evokes in us a sense which makes us doubt on ourselves and eventually asks us to 'change'. This, in a way, may also affect our confidence level.
  The question there again arises, 'to change or not to change', and the answer lies in what your mind feels about the issue. If you truly think that the judgement and implementation of the right action on it would bring a positive change in you, well, then your destiny was designed to bring up a positive turn, but if you think that the intentions behind the criticism were a result of jealousy, revenge, grudges or just due to someone's proficiency in criticism, then just toss it out of the window and collect all the wits to disapprove of what's being said to you !
  In reality, your heart knows well about what you just need to become a better human being. You don't really need someone to correct you.You know when you're taking the wrong path. I agree, in some cases we do need someone to guide us along the right path, and that's when you're supposed to obey, as the one's who think of your well-being are your well-wisher's, and not your foes.
  We need to acknowledge ourselves about what's good and what's bad.When you know a person has harsh intentions, don't get attached to their remarks and most importantly, don't ever lose your confidence due to such 'maniacs'.
  Your confidence is what will serve you throughout your life, it is your backbone lifelong, that would keep you sparkling and captivated during ups and downs, and losing it due to such 'critics' is no more than an act of foolishness !



  1. what u say is absolutely right...but I have a question, on those certian occasions when really do need someone to guide us we may not realise it and may mistake our well-wishers for the 'critics' and keep turning a deaf ear to their advice. In such cases the confidence actually gets converted to 'over-confidence' without we even realising it! How can we make that person realise his mistakes???

  2. Swarali Paranjpe...a truly thoughtful question dat i just came across...yes, it is true dat such cases are common allthroughout..we should try and convince that particular person about correcting his or her mistakes, even though we would be aware of the fact that our advice isn't being taken seriously...and so at a point we should give up on him or her, hoping that one fine day he or she would realise their mistakes, learn their lessons and hold us as their well-wishers and not critics...there seems to be no direct way of convincing such a person who looks at us in a negative way, even though we have really virtuous intentions...thats my point of view so as for now...
